Take care. I didnt get to the root issues, so guess what. Hope that the ultrasound is right and hoping that the pain will disappear. Hai I am 24 yes old. If youre getting a cosmetic breast surgery, it may be a good idea to take the tumor out as hes gonna have to make an incision anyway. Massages; Body Scrubs; Facial (a la cart) See additional information. For more info download my free ebook here: http://www.body-in-balance.org/natural-treatment-fibroadenoma/ How Castor Oil Packs Are Helping My Breasts, ORGANIC Castor oil- you WANT organic since this is going to permeate deep into your tissue, wool flannel which can be found at whole foods or a health food store, a mason jar to store your wool flannel since you can reuse the same one up to about 30 times. Large plastic sheet. Glad to have know you, Amy. But on feb of 2017 before i have my period i felt the lumps in my left breast with heavy and i bit painful breast. Will subscribe to the eBooks. I checked them by my doctor and reports result is fibroadenoma and i am only 19 years old doctor said about surgery and I dont want to take risk I am thinking about my future you know mam a small scar or spot can destroy a girl life and in my caste no one can understand this kind of diagnosis . I have done surgery 3 times .. and nw i realized there is another tumour in my right breast. Allow to sit for 5-10 min. Hi Dianne, brown and black rice are ok. You could also use other whole grains such as quinoa, buckwheat or amaranth instead. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Nutrition indicated that a diet predominantly made up of fruits and vegetables may be a key factor in reducing fibroadenomas. I found this page recently and am now giving the diet ago, I just wondered how long it normally takes to see any results? Antimicrobial. Progesterone cream or evening primrose are 2 good examples. Stress reduction and dietary and lifestyle changes are vital in the prevention and/or reduction of FAs. My ultrasound report is as follow; Hi Mam, Have you tried green smoothies yet for breakfast? With the rise in toxicity found in our food, the air and our environment, we have an increased need to care for our bodies to prevent dis-ease. Going organic might be the solution. How are you? But they may still require some sort of treatment. If you feel a lump or lumps in your breast it is important to contact your doctor straight away to get it tested. I am taking evening primrose oil. Take care! Feel free to read and come back to me if you have more questions or need feedback. on February 2017 I have mad an ultrasound to check the cysts again, some of them is bigger 1.7 and some are not, but also I get one with calcification. I have a very interesting story about this that changed my whole outlook on healing. There are few small lumps in left breast too about 3-4cms.. would surgery in both breasts affect my breast size or breast feeding in future married life ? Please help me out. Be sure to do another self-exam after the castor oil to see if you feel a difference! It may help with the pain and control of FAs. As for the whole wheat pasta and brown rice, I would say eat them in moderation. Hormonal changes can also be the cause for FAs to develop, so it might very well be that it is causing lymph nodes to swell too. Of all the things Ive done, working with my fascia helped me balance my hormones the most and heal my body the quickest. Since they believe FAs can be caused by estrogen dominance adding yet more estrogen to your body can aggravate the condition. Fibroadenomas shrink over time and do not usually need surgical intervention. Castor oil is hydrolyzed in small intestine by pancreatic enzymes, leading to the release of glycerol and ricinoleic acid, along with other beneficial metabolites. Feel free to download my FREE ebook for more info: http://www.body-in-balance.org/natural-treatment-fibroadenoma/ Take care! Apply the castor oil before bed and wash off it in the morning using warm water and a clean towel. A fibroadenoma is a rubbery, smooth, benign, fibrous tumor common in younger women. A giant fribroadenoma is present about 6.7cms in my right breast & doctor has suggested to go for surgery in coming month. An ultrasound called it a papilloma. Treatment options for breast cysts include: Fine-needle aspiration. Iam so depressed! Thyme. Essential oils help in maintaining the balance of the hormones which are responsible for the support of female reproductive organs. Hi Alya, no need to be scared. Thank you kind soul! Take care! Take care! Most western doctors dont understand how the human body works and what it needs to heal. Do suggest me. Im 34yrs and I suffer from breast cysts( fibrocystic) from 3yrs with strong pain. Progesterone cream or primrose oil can indeed be used to massage your breast and reduce the pain. Husband did not know. my doctor gave me evening primrose oil omega 6. my question is , will this oil treat perhaps the lumps on the breast. It is a great topic and will research it more. before an year i had only 1 lump in right breast and 2 lumps in left breast but after an year i did went mammography and found out that now i have 5 lumps in left breast and 2 in right breast. No need to remove breast if it is not cancer. I was on bioidentical hormones since 2006, with no problembut have been in a very stressful relationship for the past 3+ yrs (which I feel may have precipitated itso I suspended it!). No other options than surgery to remove it . Excess vitiation and accumulation of doshas in the breast. Like mentioned in the article, try and eliminate as much processed food as possible, even if it is vegan. High-dose IV vitamin C has shown to be beneficial for some treatments of cancerous tumors; there are documented cases of high-dose IV vitamin C actually curing cancer. Right now ultrasound imaging diagnose is fibroadenoma.. Whats your experience with that? Hi there, in most cases surgery is not needed if the FA isnt causing any issues. If you can move it under your fingers inside your breast its probably not cancer. However, if doctors are not sure, a biopsy might be needed to identify the lumps. If you dont correct these deficiencies, over time things can worse and lead to growths. Turmeric can be added to smoothies, juices or many dishes or it can be taken as a supplement. I want a remidy. Amy. It seems that they might be the cause of the issue. FAs and a miscarriage can have many reasons. Dont forget to download my free ebook for more info: http://eatlove.live/free-ebook-natural-treatment-for-fibroadenoma/ Take care! Because it depletes key vitamins and minerals which are need to help keep hormones in balance. Whats best i can do mam? No need to reply ur times precious. So I am avoiding them and want to try above mentioned NATURAL(My father always says NATURE IS OUR REAL GOD). Here are 3 article that might interest you: Can sprouts be added in the diet for the ones who have firbroadenoma? 3. Take care! Here are my fav recipes if you want to make your own: http://www.body-in-balance.org/blog/nutrition/homemade-nut-milk/ and http://www.body-in-balance.org/project/homemade-coconut-yogurt/. Hi Amy , Essentially, my breasts are more lumpy and harder than the typical breast. I started doing them on a regular basis, applying the castor pack to my breasts about 4 times per week for the past 2 months religiously. I have fibroadenoma 3.5x4cm, is there a natural medicine that can melt the fibroadenoma, please help me what is the procedure because the doctor told me, i go an operation. It seems like I get mixed opinions about the impact of flaxseeds consumption to people with FAs. I am 29 years old and recently I diagnosed with fibroadenoma in my left breast. until now taking already. 7. Hi, mam my name is anu my age 22 i had a small lump on my right breast and it makes pain and discomfort and it was observed on my last periods time ; for diet control i drink green tea regularly and i am also eating nonveg regularly but last 20 days i changed my diet as a vegii and my doctor says it is a hormonal changes and they give me some folic acid and vit b and paracetamol is this ok and tell me the natural way to reduce the lump.. Hi Anu, folic acid and vitamin b are ok to take. Do not opt for soy products as the plant estrogens make thing worse. Castor oil, commonly used as a purgative, has been used as a remedy for fibroadenoma since ancient times. Sign up with your email address to receive exclusive tips, tools and offerings. I accept your diet chat but is it to follow this for life time?? It definitely would not hurt or make it worse to give it a try and see if it helps for you. Most women struggle with fibroadenomas at some point in there life. & is it ok to eat seafood? this article is such a great reference for people like me who dislikes meds. Food is very important in developing these lumps and bumps. If they arent causing any discomforts there is no reason to undergo surgery. Yoy can find more info in my free ebook about natural cures for FA (http://eatlove.live/free-ebook-natural-treatment-for-fibroadenoma/). is this dangerous? Hi Maria, I know FAs can cause some tension and stress. I went thru biopsy.its fibroadnema..recently I realised anthr one.one iz attached to d wal of my breast n othr is below wich z nt attached.wat cud b ur suggestion? 8. An even larger and more serious phyllodes tumor grew in the exact same spot. All my clients have seen tremendous shifts and improvements within very short time spans. but i dont see any shrinkage of my FA. If I dont write it, it doesnt happen. hi amy, i was diagnosed with FA when my newborn was only 5 mos old and breastfeeding. Hi Janvi! We want to help readers take control of their sexual health with illuminating content that will enhance their quality of life. Best is to go to your doctor and make sure the lump is benign. HI AMY, HOW ARE YOU? I will also avoid soy and dairy products. Large cysts are more common in women aged 25 to 50-an age group when cancer just begins to apear. Although for most women the operation only leaves a scar (an some discomforts from the anesthetic), for some changes in the shape or overall appearance of the breast can also be a result from surgical removal. Take care! Enjoy the weekend! I have read through a lot about breast lump information. If they are quite big, your breasts may indeed lose a bit of their shape, but they are not going to take the whole breast away. Take care! Lifestyle and dietary changes can do a lot. Hi Jelly! Anything I can do to help people live a healthy and happy life makes me happy too. And with in 6 months if Im not comfortable I should have a mammogram . Also my doctor was recommending not to get a biopsy and said ultrasound imaging is enough to diagnose it. Note: Apart from following the said simple lifestyle modifications and natural remedies, you should regularly examine your breasts for any lumps. Malign tumors like breast cancers tend to get bigger quite fast. My name is Angel and i visited an OB doctor yesterday because I noticed something in my right boob . I would like to know what is the best way to eat veggies? Hope the pain will soon disappear, I noticed that the pain and swelling get worse when menstruating or around that period. Happy to help. All these are not just great stress-busters, but they also pep-up your moods and keep you happy. Mix and use the oil. How you think about and speak to yourself plays a very huge role in your healing journey. The use of breast massage as a preventative measure works by stimulating abnormal cells' activity back into their healthy state. If the lump is a fibroadenoma, simple changes in your lifestyle can do a lot. But recently i decided to follow up check up. Is moderation of coffee ok? In my case they decreased to the size of a rice grain, for others they will stay the same size or slightly decrease, but the discomforts and pain will go away and thats the most important thing isnt it? Tnx. Hi Fauziah mohd fauzi. a biopsy is not without risks so if it can be avoided it is better. They sell the powder that can be added to a smoothie (http://amzn.to/1TGwcED) or you can buy the seeds and start growing your own (http://amzn.to/1TGwhrY). Hi, i had fibroadenoma surgery 4 days before. Amy, you already replied below. Youre welcome! You can also take a natural B-vitamin complex . Mine decreased to the size of a rice grain thanks to my healthy diet and going off all soy products and reduce my coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day. I went to doctor once and he said that my lumps should be taken as soon as possible, I feel really scared to imagine the surgery process. can anyone help me on this. It is a known carcinogen and hormone disruptor and can be problematic for fybrocysticc breast too. at Revolve. There are also 10 amazing classes available. We have spoken with 2 natural path Drs. hello maam, A few lifestyle changes can help you out. Hi again! I dont drink coffee or soy at all but have a lot of meat. Heya Joanna, seafood is ok to eat in moderation. Take care, my friend! It may be as easy as doing a local castor oil/hydrotherapy treatment a few times, sometimes there is a food allergen keeping the lymph from draining. She has been feeding since then but now one of tumour (fiberoadenomas) in left is quit more painful. Came across your article today, very helpful blog but I had two questions: Hi Karen, no worries. Drink plenty of water post application. Apart from that nutrition is crucial too. This will be the focus of discussion in this article. So better go easy on that. Take care! I struggled with this myself a few years ago, and a healthy well-balanced diet fixed it all. Remember that the axillary (armpit) lymph flows in and out of the breast. While malignant tumors need to be removed surgically, not all of the tumors are cancerous or life-threatening. Primrose oil is excellent for PMS symptoms and fibrocystic breasts. I am very scared having so many lumps.. I just hope these an strenthen my immune system so the size of FA will decrease and finally disappear if not then i should undergo surgery bc im afraid the size will increase. You could also use a little raw honey or maple syrup if you want. Waiting your feedback Thanks in advance. Hi Meeta, as a 19 year old your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes. The same methods to shrink FAs can be used to prevent them. Hi Zeetha. Ill cross my fingers for you and again I know it is hard but there is no need to worry about these lumps. What Is Jamaican Black Castor Oil? Wet 3 rd towel with cold tap water and wring out. I also took a look at the study that you have quoted. What Happens After You Find a Fibroadenoma. Hope this helps. I eat salmon fish that is farmed raised from Canada , is that ok? Priyanka! Hi, I have had fibroadenoma since I was 17 , now I am 24 and I still have them (I have multiple in both breast) but one of the biggest and oldest is the one on my left Breast, recently it has started tu hurt (a little pain with great discomfort). I was wondering how I can avoid birth control when it is an important part of my life. Also, make sure they come from a reliable source. There is a lot of helpful information in there: http://www.body-in-balance.org/natural-treatment-fibroadenoma/ Take care! Im 28 yrs ols btw. I know it sounds weird, but castor oil packs can help with several different breast-related issues. Hi Amy ! Nonetheless, you should pay your doctor a visit to confirm it is nothing else! It is very useful. please assist. ?pls help. And if its not removed? Ill know after giving this new diet a go for the next 30 days. I eat veges and fruits and nuts; and sometimes fish like salmon so as not to have vitamin B12 deficiency. And it is totally possible to get rid of fibroadenomas just by changing your lifestyle! It belongs to a group of medications called laxatives. I see they are sold in softgels of 500mg primrose content. Your doctor uses a hair-thin needle to drain the fluid from the cyst. i came across an article online that a combination of 2 tsp honey with 1 tsp ginger everyday alternating it with 2 tsp honey with 1 tsp turmeric help shrink tumor. It is safe to use and drink every day and is a great addition to a healthy diet, which helps to balance the body and fight fibroadenomas naturally. Instructions. Can they be completely dissolved by following a vegan diet and a good exercise regime? I have an pain in the breast and in periods time i have severe pain and in left breast its paining very much. Take care! I had cysts and a fibroadenoma in my breasts. Give yourself a foot massage with castor oil before bed. Take care! Lobules and ducts are surrounded by fibrous, glandular, and fatty tissue.